Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Tips for taking a break in a relationship

Many may consider taking a break from a relationship a major occurrence. But whether you need to take a step back to decide what you really want, open your partners’ eyes to a serious wrong doing or just to have some breathing space to focus on yourself, sometimes taking a break can be the right move for you. Occasionally in a relationship you discover things that you wish you hadn’t and are unsure whether you can forgive them. Other times you can feel neglected, disrespected or just trapped.  There are many reasons/situations that people choose to follow this road.  Taking a break can be an excellent way to assess your partnership and establish whether it is something you desire to persist in the future.

Taking a break could be the occurrence that your relationship requires to endure and can regularly bring you closer when the choice is made to reunite. Keep in mind that your partner may not react well to the suggestion of a break from each other. Your partner may get angry, upset or even give you the cold shoulder. There is no guarantee that they will want to talk about it or accept your decision. Here are a few tips to help you when considering to take a break in your relationship.

Discuss Why - Firstly, discuss with your partner why you feel that you need to do this. Breaks can often be seen as an end. Assure your partner that you have not made a decision yet and need this time to decide what it is you really want.

Set Ground Rules - Ground rules are important to any break within a relationship. If something occurs during this time that you are not accepting of, you cannot hold it against your partner if they did not know the guidelines of your break. In order for a break to work both parties must agree to the rules. I.e. Are you aloud to date other people? It is important to discuss what is and isn't acceptable during this time apart.

Decide Time Frame - When agreeing to a break, establish a time that you will regroup to discuss your decision. If you are not sure how long you will need, make an estimation and inform your partner that you may need more time than this.

Keep in Contact - Just because you are taking a break from each other does not mean that you cannot have any contact at all with your partner. It is important to keep the lines of communication open. Taking a break does not mean shutting each other out and/or ignoring your partner.

Expect the Unexpected - Even if it is you that initiates the break to begin with, it is important to remember that this time apart can also change how your partner feels and what your partner may want. A break goes both ways and either of you can end the break or the relationship at any time.

At the end of the day, it is you who has to decide what you want and if you can be open to second chances, trust and/or forgiveness. Seek advise so that you feel less alone, but do not take others opinions on as your own. You are the one who has to live with your decisions. It is your life and therefore you have to live with the consequences of your decision.  Be sure that the decision you make is of your own choosing.

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